Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Day 1: On the road to Trafalgar

Day 1

This is as much a journal for my tired eyes as it is an invitation to come along for the ride. This the biennial version of our annual trip to St. Louis, MO to visit Ginny's brother Tom, one of her two remaining family members, on his birthday. We made it a day late but when you are just catching up to the rest of us who are 70+, it's on time ;-)

Briefly this trip has been God blessed ever since we started planning for it knowing that time is growing shorter for all of us.  Financially a number of jobs came my way, a dear friend gave us a double portion of blessings and while we had invested in basic repairs to our Blue Bomb that made it "road worthy", we were simply stepping out onto the troubled waters trusting the Lord would help us make it and He did indeed!  At last minute a vehicle was provided!
 So we are traveling with a new Hyundai Elantra, and all the doors work! (LOL  inside joke) Great milage, loads of room, smooth ride and even a way to play our book on tape through the car stereo (an essential if I am to drive more than an hour!)  Speaking of which I have been able to drive 2-3 hours before one of our bladders pulls us off the road and we made the first leg of the trip with a stop to make our lunch on the trunk of the car in 6 hours!

The first leg
La Casa de Tracy in Trafalgar, IN won't appear on any AirBnB lists but it is truly a wonderful guest experience. Marcy Tracy was my comrade in arms when we worked for DaimlerChrysler News doing their Spanish channel news translation and daily 5 minute video newscast for their network.  We formed a wonderful bond with Martha and her family and her beautiful house in the woods south of Indianapolis has been a stagecoach stop for us.  Lamentablemente I didn't get pictures of Martha and Richard or of their beautiful home but I will try and remedy that later.

We had a lovely dinner with Martha and Richard, stayed overnight and had a delicious breakfast with Martha before taking off on the next leg of the journey.  Staying with Martha is a bi-lingual delight because I get to exercise my conversational skills with Martha in Spanish but always switch to English to bring the rest into the conversation.  Please pray with me that Martha can find a way of employing her considerable skills in software troubleshooting (e.g. SAP bi-lingual help desk...for those who understand).  She is a brilliant and wonderfully social person who is "isolated in a gilded cage" as someone referred to the beautiful house hidden in the woods of rural Indiana.

The rest of Tuesday was spent getting to St. Louis and our first AirBnB lodging and then quickly joining Tom Chapman and his dear friend Ernie Miceli for his 70th birthday dinner. But that is a story for Day Two which will follow soon.

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